Are you Interested or Entrecard?
I started using Entrecard recently to see if the traffic would increase any towards the blog. One gripe I have read many times on various sites is that the Entrecard visits to your site are purely to drop of a card and leave.
This can have a good impact on your traffic statistics as it shows a higher number of page views and unique visitors – which seems to get advertisers all excited. For me, the person interested in having valuable people drop by with their valuable opinions – this isn’t really all that great.
When I check google analytics to determine how much traffic I receive from Entrecard, two URL’s appear:
I can understand that people wanting to drop a card or those who are interested in Advertising on my website would come from The other URL, as I have determined, is purely for people who want to drop their cards as quickly as possible. It’s this traffic that is useless. I can understand why the guy at has created this app, but it is “I have fallen to the dark side” kind of functionality. If the makers of Entrecard wanted their users to just drop their cards and run from every site on the network I am sure this is something that couuld easily be arranged in an automated form. I think the idea of Entrecard is to encourage networking, while also enabling the little guys to gain valuable exposure by advertising on larger blogs. As soon as it starts to be gamed, as it is now, it starts to lose its value.
As a small blog owner, I am hoping that the advertisers see something they like and that the small amount of ads I place actually get clicked on and some interested visitors hang about.
Do you have a blog and use Entrecard to promote yourself? Let me know how its going…
Categories: Ads
Its about as helpful as a ‘nofollow’ link!
i did read your entry about entrecard, although i put and support ad to my blog i rarely click on ads except if they interest me.
entrecard is a phenomenon these days and while it is proving itself to drive traffic, then by all means I am definitely going to benefit from its boon.
I am discovering good blogs that are now my favorite because of entrecard, for that I am thankful for them.
good wishes,
Hi peterahon,
I understand that Entrecard brings traffic to my site. Its the quality of the traffic that matters, not the quantity.
so that is a good sign right… thanks for dropping by: your card and visiting my site
I actually like and use it lot. It is much faster to visit entrecard websites. And easier to go on to the next website if I am not interested in a website.
When I see a website I like I drop my card and write a comment.
yes I also do reciprocial visits and drop my card as well as posting a comment. It is all about making connections and yes getting some quality link backs.
Entrecard has become more of a community now than just a traffic generating site. Members exchange ideas and views on different topics from dieting to marketing. Feel free to reach out any member. Most of them are good people with something to share and willing to help. Check out the forums page in Entrecard and feel free to contact me anytime. Have a good day.
I’m sure you are of a limited breed. i.e You actually use to find new blogs and get involved.
The simple fact is that the tool is not seemingly used in such a fashion by its other users.
Yeah – a community is definitely what it should be, but when the “point” system is based on how many you drop and how many are dropped on you – then surely people will misuse it for their own benefit.
Thanks for stopping by…
Yourself and Susanne help to ease the pains!